Abstracts must be submitted no later than :
– 25th February 20th March 2021.
Notification of acceptance :
– 20th 26th April 2021.
Registration :
– 10th-20th May 2021.
Preliminary program :
– 25th May 1th juin 2021.
Conditions of participation
There are two ways of participation : upon invitation or by responding to the call for proposals. The abstracts submitted must adopt an original and unprecedented approach. Abstracts in RTF or Word format must be sent to : < colloque.albi.2021@gmail.com >. The first page must show the contact details of the applicant (surname, first name, affiliated laboratory, e-mail address and telephone number) ; the following page must remain anonymous and contain an abstract of 300 to 500 words, including a reference to one of the research areas for each field. A bibliography of recommended reading containing 5-10 titles must be added at the end of the abstract.
Selection process
Abstracts will be submitted to a double-blind evaluation by the Scientific Committee. The results of the evaluation will be known on 26th April 2021.
Registering for the conference
Upon acceptance, the speaker must register online at mediationsemiotiques.com/albi-2021. For registrations before 20th May 2021 :
– €70 for students (after 20th May €90) ;
– €100 for teachers and researchers (after 20th May €130).
Duration of presentation
The length of each presentation must be no longer than 20 minutes + 10 minutes for Q&As.
Languages available
English, French and Spanish.
The conference minutes will be published online on <mediationsemiotiques.com>. A selection of articles will be published by CAMS/O.
Online information
The conference agenda is available at : www.mediationsemiotiques.com/albi-2021

Conference 2021